Berikut adalah salinan memorandum yang diserahkan oleh The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG - sekutu SIS) kepada YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak bagi mengatasi segera isu hukuman sebat Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno oleh Mahkamah Syariah Tinggi Negeri Pahang.
Saya nak tunggu apa reaksi dan juga tindak balas dari Majlis Amal Islami Malaysia (MAIM) yang terdiri dari ABIM, JIM dan lain-lain pertubuhan Islam Bukan Kerajaan setelah membaca memorandum yang biadab dan menghina mahkamah Syariah ini. Mungkin Sdr Mohd Fitri Abdul Aziz, sebagai Pengurus MAIM di YADIM boleh mengambil tindakan susulan bagi menggerakkan MAIM untuk menjawab isi memorandum ini.
Justice for Kartika - Memo to PM
The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) appeals to YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak to take immediate steps to address the issue of the sentence of whipping meted out to Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno.
JAG also urges the government to review whipping as a form of punishment as it violates international human rights principles which regard whipping and other forms of corporal punishment as cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Moreover, research has shown that whipping is not an effective deterrent, even to violent or sexual crimes.
The court’s decision to whip Kartika for consuming alcohol has led to a public outcry at the national and international levels, damaging
JAG believes there are compelling reasons why Kartika’s case should be reviewed - on syariah, constitutional and legal grounds, international human rights principles, and based on sentencing guidelines. They include:
Syariah Grounds
(i) Qur’anic teachings emphasise repentance, forgiveness and personal transformation. Even the verses on punishment for theft (Surah Al-Maai’dah 5:38-39) and robbery (5:33-34), emphasise that an offender who repents after his crime and amends his conduct, is redeemed, as God is forgiving and merciful.
(ii) Kartika has repeatedly expressed remorse and repented for her action. She should be forgiven, instead of be given the maximum punishment.
(iii) There is no consensus in
Sentencing Guidelines
(iv) Under normal sentencing guidelines, Kartika should not have been given the maximum punishment as she had pleaded guilty, was a first time offender and has shown and continues to show remorse.
(v) The whipping sentence is also disproportionate to the gravity of the offence committed, especially since there was no violence involved in the commission of the offence.
(vi) When an accused pleads guilty, it is a mitigating factor. Therefore, the judge should have taken that into consideration in favour of the accused, and should not have meted out the maximum sentences in terms of the fine imposed and number of strokes for whipping.
Constitutional and legal issues
(vii) Can the Kajang prison which is established under Federal law execute an order issued by the syariah court which is under state jurisdiction?
(viii) Can a Federal authority execute a sentence of whipping against a Muslim woman when the Prison Regulations 2000 forbids corporal punishment to be applied to a female prisoner (of any age), or a male prisoner who is more than 50-years-old?
(ix) Can the
(x) The victimisation of Kartika violates constitutional guarantees of equality and non-discrimination under Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution. Under federal law, a woman cannot be whipped, but under syariah, she can. Daily, thousands of Muslims violate the syariah law which forbids alcohol consumption. And yet, Kartika is victimised with the maximum punishment to set an example to others.
(xi) Is it the duty of the state – in order to bring about a moral society – to turn all “sins” into “crimes against the state”? Or should this be private morality best left to the religious conscience of the individual, rather than be deemed public morality and turned into a matter of law? As practice shows, the enforcement of such moral policing laws has often led to controversies, abuses and public outcry. In the end the Federal Government intervenes and those arrested are released.
International Obligations
(xii) As a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) since 1995,
In the long term, we urge the Government to conduct a comprehensive review of the Syariah Criminal Offences laws of this country, with a view to repeal such laws, thus enabling all Malaysians to be governed by a single Penal Code under federal administration.
In 2005, Sisters in Islam, a member of JAG submitted a memorandum to the Government to reiterate its call for the Syariah Criminal Offences laws to be repealed on the grounds that they have no basis in Islamic legal theory and practice; they conflict with the Federal Constitution and that they conflict or overlap with the Penal Code and other federal laws. SIS had commissioned two reviews by Professor Muhammad Hashim Kamali and Professor Shad Saleem Faruqi and these have been shared with the Government.
The Government must show the political will and courage to once and for all deal with the implications of such intrusive moral policing laws. The implementation of these laws continues to raise numerous profound and controversial issues at the Islamic, constitutional, and human rights levels.
They also fail to reflect the changing realities of Malaysian life today. The continual public outrage over moral policing laws reflects the disconnect between state control of private lives and personal choices, and how Malaysians view their entitlements to these rights. This can no longer remain unresolved.
The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG)
Petaling Jaya
25 August 2009
MySinchew 2009.08.26
Saya sudah majukan salinan memorandum ini pada dato' Shamsuddin Nawawi, Setiausaha politik MB Pahang, sila ikuti jawaban bagi membidas semula kebiadaban JAG di atas di laman blog beliau :
Harap PM lantik JAG-SIS dalam ahli majlis Fatwa....biarlah labu tu di repair dek tikus
salam dr,
tahukah dr sapa penaung SIS?
dari marina mahathir turun ke nori abdullah..skrg saya tak tahu pulak siapa (kot kalau dah tukar)..jawatan tertinggi SIS ni biasanya anak kepada PM..
harap dr diberi kekuatan untuk mendesak pimpinan umno menolak memo itu.saya tak punye sebarang jawatan dan kaitan dalam payah la sikit depa nak dgr...
walau selama ni kite berbeza pandangan dan ideologi politik namun,kebenaran tetap kebenaran..saya sokong 110% usaha dan penentangan dr tentang hal ini
Sumber Undang-Undang Syariah bukan setakat Quran tetapi juga Hadith-Hadith. Hukuman sebat bagi peminum arak adalah diambil dari kumpulan hadis-hadis Nabi yang cukup banyak. Untuk penjelasan lanjut, sila rujuk link-link berikut:
Jadi hukuman yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Syariah ke atas Kartika adalah tepat sekali. Ini disebabkan hukuman tersebut berdasarkan keputusan dari orang-orang yang berilmu tentang hukum hakam Syariah Allah, bukan dari suara-suara sumbang yang mempertikaikan hukum tersebut dari kalangan mereka yang berkedudukan sebagai menteri, ilmuan dan juga dikalangan mereka yang kononnya bijaksana didalam bidang agama itu sendiri, dan tidak terkecuali JAG sendiri.
Adalah sangat menyakitkan hati bila suara-suara sumbang ini campur tangan dalam hal-hal hukum syariah yang mereka tiada pengetahuan, lebih-lebih lagi suara itu datang dari kalangan orang-orang Islam sendiri. Bagi orang-orang seperti ini, lebih baik berdiam diri saja dan serahkan kepada orang yang tahu dan mahir.
Hukum Allah jangan diambil mudah dan jangan sekali-kali dipermainkan.
Salamun Alaikum
Sungguhpun jumlah sebatan terdapat khilaf, namun sikap Kartika adalah baik dgn tidak menolak atau merayu. Semoga Allah ampunkan.
Sesiapa yg ingin menyaksikan bagaimana pukulan utk peminum arak, bolehlah search 'video taliban'. Bagaimana polis amar maaruf nahi mungkar mereka menangkap peminum arak dan terus dihukum tanpa sebarang kerenah birokrasi. Begitu juga dgn hukuman potong tangan utk pencuri dijalankan.
Mungkin bagi sebahagian org ianya kelihatan mengejutkan atau pelik. Namun Rasulullah menyatakan "islam itu bermula pelik, dan akan berakhir pelik. Ingat yg satu, "kita tidak sembah apa yg org kafir sembah, mereka tidak sembah apa yg kita sembah, bagiku agamaku, bagimu agamamu". Islam tidak dinilai dari sudut pandangan org kafir, tidak beriman ataupun human rights.
Jazakallah Khair
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